Best Christmas ever

“Finnaly”  I said to my self.  It’s Christmas.  “As fast as I could I ran to the living room staring at two brand new pink electric shooters.  Me and my sister usally fight but this day is Christmas so I was trying not to fight with her.  I ran to her room and jumped on her bed saying “WAKE UP, WAKE UP” As she woke up i pulled her trying to pull her to the living room as I was trying to show her the shooters. After we looked at the shooters we ran to my moms room trying to wake up my mom and aunt. As they walked slowly to the living room we were axsousely showing then as the walked as slow as a turttle. After they got in the living room they saw what we got they grinned from ear to ear.After we opeaned preasents we ran outside riding our shooters back and forth the road.  I’m so glad that I got to spend time with my family.  Sometimes it payes off to be nice to your siblings.

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