Author Archives: Taylor
President Poem
He was born and went to school in Massachusetts
he was the 41st president of United States
He was a young pilot
Has five children
George H.W. Bush
Buisness man Texas
His name is George Herbert Walker Bush
President H.W. Bush has a wife named Barbra
This is a story from 2013 to 2014. I will tell go into the future and come back and tell you in a story.I will also tell you my goals for 2014.First my Aunt and Uncle came home for England, I haven’t seen them since I was four,so that has been six years. It was the happyest day of my life. Shortly they got transfered to somewhere in Las Vagas. That was the worst day of my life.Third I got a ping Eletric Scooter that also had flowers on it,for Christmas from Santa Claus. Also I got a movie from Santa Claus that is Dispicible Me 2.In my opinion Dispicible Me 2 is Awsome! Now I want to tell you about my new years resoluation. First I want to help my mom out with my baby sister Sophia and start doing chores. Second stop fighting with my stister. Third to learn how to make a starbust braclet. These are all the books I want to read this year, Hoot,Catching fire, worriors,and twilight.That is my new years revolouion.
December 7,1941
Pearl harbor was attacked by Japan.
every ship got sunk or damaged.
a boat was shrunk and made into a momorial.
right that day 2,335 were killed and 2,798 were injured.
less than two houres 2,500 were injured.
Hero of the day was Atwater.
attacked staryed at 7:48 . (hawaian time)
right when japan attacked that lead us into world war 2.
boming the American islands of Awaho.
oil was everywhere.
roosevelt called his successor.
Christmas couplets
My DC Slogan
Henry Hudson
June 1611
Explorer Gazette
By the 1600’s Europeans discovered a southern route that lead to the Indies. They have not found a northern route yet.
In 1602 Dutch East India Company found an experience sailor named Henery Hudson to lead the search. In 1609 Henry Hudson set sail from the Netherlands with the crew of 20 men. The ship was called the Half Moon.
Should Every Kid Get a Trophy
I do not think everyone should get a trophy because lets say you want to win very bad, and some other kids are playing with a lizard and when the game is over everyone gets a trophy. You get so angry that you want to rip someones head off.Also lets say that everyone is doing a math problem and your friend is playing with her pencil and everyone gets a peice of candy.You still want to rip her head out and want to get her in trouble.