This year in my Reading class we have been reading A Paradise Called, Texas and Willow Creek Home.A Paradise Called Texas is about this German family moving to Texas on a ship they get stranded on a beach snd Mina’s mom dies.In Willow Creek Home is’s about the same German family and they get alot of land.Papa gets sick but he does not die he gets better.After some other people gave them more land than they already have.Then Papa gets married to Tanta Leset .Tanta Leset has a baby named Peter. After a cople of years she is peregnet agin.Then Mina gets kidnapped by a comanche, she escapes.After she eschaps from the comanches her schin on her hands are torn off.My favorit part is when Peter Mina’s baby brother is born.
Author Archives: Taylor
Conserving Water
Saving water by keeping water from wasting so we all can drink water,and use it for cooking.If people go seven days or more they could die. Also water is very valuable you almost use it for everything like cooking ,taking showers and more
First, you can flush one less time to conserve water.Did you know that you can put food coloring in your toilets tank and if you come back an hour later and it is that color than your toilet is leeking and you need to tell a parent.Ifyour water bill is to high you can stop flushing (candy wappers,dead bugs,and gold fish).Next you can also put a picher of water in the refridgerator insead of useing sink water and if you want cold water insead of running the water for sevel minutes.Finally, you can put a rain barrel outside and you can give the rain water to your dog or cat. Also you can use the rain water to cook.First you get a picher to clean the water after the water is clean you can use it.
It’s very important to save water and you can use all these tools to help.If you do all these things than good job.
The Best Gift
The best gift I’ve ever given was…
some slippers that I gave to my dad.His slippers are pitch black and they are just his size!I gave it to him because we have wooden floors and his feet get cold,so I got him slippers.I gave him his slippers last Christmas!Giving the gift made me feel so good that I gave something they want instead of spending a lot of money on it.I gave it to him on Christmas morning and he liked it.
Row Your Site
It is three to five feet long. It has dark black spots that help it blend with its seroundings . A male is called a bull and a female is called a female aswell as a baby is called a pup . A Angel Shark is endangered because people are catching them in fishing nets. It swims in deep water so it rarly gets step on. So it never really bites anybody and if it does you have to be bothering it. It sleeps during the day, so it hunts at night. The Angel shark Has small but sharp white teeth that when is swimming around it will berry its self in the sand. It eats squid,or any tibe of fish. This is about the Angel Shark . Pictures found at
Hello, my name is Taylor King.I am 9 years old. I was born July 11th 2003.I have two sisters Carley and sofhia. Carley is 7 and sofhia is 8 moths old.And i have a cat. His name is Ted. he is an out side cat.He is orange.One thing i would like to tell you about me is i like to read. My favorite book are mystery books. Another thing about me is my favorite song is Back To December.By Taylor Swift. She is my favorite singer.something else about me is i collect balls.They can be any size.I have at lest sixty of them.I cannot wait to get in middle school so I can play volley ball.I hope you liked hearing about me.
Top Secret Folder
Trash to Treasure
Kindness Day
what is your favorite
New Year’s Resolution
I will help keep the house clean.
clean my room. Make my bed in the morning.