Thanksgiving Poem

Thanksgiving sounds like voices all around, loving, caring, friends, family.

Thanksgiving looks like food on the table, turkey legs, deviled eggs, and pumpkin pie.

Thanksgiving taste like cranberry sauce, butter, rolls, good sauce, sweet potatoes, and carrot cake.

Thanksgiving   smells  like cranberry sauce,butter rolls,good sauce,sweet potatoes,carrot  cake.   

Thanksgiving   feels  like love  all around the table peopeople,cousins,sister,brothers,aunts,uncles.




Monsters by Taylor

One day a monster famliy was eating dinner.And they were eating fish and bird.And right by their house

was a human famliy and they were enmiesAnd one night the monsters got attacked by the humans and they killed a monster. And the monsters moved away. The monsters were really sad about their loved one. So the next day the monsters moved. But they scared all the people away. And finally a little girl said “Come in” And it was snowing outside so the monsters were cold. So the gril got them warmed up. And she even got them soup in a bowl. The next day they had breakfast and then went to the store. Or should I say grocery store. So the next morning the food was all gone again. So they went to the store again and by now the monsters have a home.